Hey so after months of being out of action I finally felt the urge to write about something.... the topic I have in mind today is LOVE.... n guess what, it's actually the most overrated, over-hyped thing in existence.... sure the initial phase of being all lovey dovey n shit is exciting... but as soon as the honeymoon ends, its all downhill.... the weirdest feeling ever is the one you get when the "love" you have for someone isnt reciprocated.... its like fuck I loved that girl or guy n they just dont give a damn.... and thats when the song, She fucking hates me, actually starts to make sense.... What I just dont understand is how easily people move on... just a minute ago they were ready to do anything for u and suddenly snap they just dont want have anything to do with you.... Are we so emotionally adaptable, that we can change our feelings according to the need of the hour.. n mind you an hour is a long time frame I'm talking abt mere seconds... If thats the case then the chameleon sure has some stiff competition....